

Jelly Babies

Jelly Babies

Jelly Babies are, it seems, quite divisive. 
You either love 'em, or you hate 'em. A bit like Marmite. 
I confess I haven't eaten them for years, they kind of fell off my confectionary radar until last week in the Great Snow, when I went to the village shop and the sweetness I was craving – plain Bounty – was out of stock. I'm not a huge chocolate fan, give me a Sherbet Fountain, any day of the week. Or at least you could have until Barratt's did away with the paper and the cardboard tube and wrapped them in plastic. I swear they changed the sherbet recipe at the same time. Perhaps the much-missed paper version will be soon be revived under the guidance of David Attenborough?
So there I was, scrutinising the shelves. My second choice, Fruit Gums, were also missing from the display and I was casting about for a replacement when I noticed the Jelly Babies. 

I walked home in the snow and I lined up a few of the little people to take their photograph. There were plenty of lime green ones, my favourite, and not a single blackcurrant purple.


My favourite sweets, after the much missed True Sherbet Fountain, are Flying Saucers. 
Maybe next time I'm at the shop, that's what I'll bring home, although even these have been affected by the national sherbet shortage – I can't think of any other explanation for them being less-than-half-full.
Things ain't what they used to be. 
In my young day...

Decisions, decisions.

Decisions, decisions.

